Architecture et Développement

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Construction of a school as a pilot project

Monday 30 October 2006, by Kalpesh Dolia

Objectives of the project: Support to the rural development project, research and development of construction techniques which are economical, training of masons and technicians of the BCT and exchanges with young Indian architects

Methods of achievement :

Employment of an A&D volunteer who will consolidate the partnership and define a schedule of conditions for a long term intervention program

At the same time the volunteer’s participation in the development of suitable construction techniques with locally available materials and with the help of the Indian project leader.

BCT’s recruitment of a young Indian architect who will work jointly with A&D’s volunteer

The launching of the pilot project of building 10 schools

Time frame :

Capitalization of the project by the edition of a handbook received from the young Indian in France and/or Africa

Local Partners : BHAGAVATULA CHARITABLE TRUST (BCT, Indian organisation)