Architecture et Développement

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Rehabilitation of an equipment center in Negros

Monday 30 October 2006, by Sandra d’Urzo

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

A&D was contacted, following the January 2002 cyclone which touched parts of south-east Philippines, in order to support the International Handicap NGO towards reconstruction of the orthopedic and therapeutic center that was entirely destroyed.

Project Title: Project of reconstruction of a center of equipment in Negros (Philippines)

Country : Philippines
Locality : Bocolod (Western Negros)

Mission Duration : 10 February - 22 February 2002
Completion Period : 6 months

Mission In-charge : Sandra D’Urzo

Requested by : Handicap International

Mission Objectives :
- To support the HI Philippines team in the reconstruction programming of the center of the orthopedic and prosthetic equipment, which was destroyed by the Nanang typhoon.
- To undertake reconstruction, maintaining HI’s standards and adapted to the social and cultural context.
• Defining the schedule of payments for constructing the center. Understanding the demands or requests (Norfi, definition of the beneficiaries’ needs.

• To support the local architect for:

1. preparation of the project proposal (definition of operation, spaces, the patient/prosthesis courses, the image of the place.)
2. the definition of the technical book (contracts with the companies, time frame for completion of the different stages of the building, coordination between the budget and the estimate of works)
3.Presentation of project proposal for ratification by Norfi and HI.
• To help the HI team in defining the administrative and contractual constraints.
• To document the process in order to help other partners benefit from the procedure of the programming. To implement this as a "pilot project" for other interventions in similar contexts.

Methods of achievement :
1- File of the project proposal written in Philippines, defining the needs and spaces to be implemented.
2- Document of recommendations for the local architect in order to finalize the project and to obtain permit for construction and call for tenders
3- Mission Report

Human resources : Sandra D’Urzo, A&D Project In-charge to implement the mission

Local Partners : NORFI (Western Negros Rehabilitation Foundation Incorporated)

Financial support : ECHO

Available Documents : Project report, mission report, visual documentation (photos, plans, sketches...)