Micro Projects Plan Revised

The Micro Projects plan has been reviewed for a more effective implementation. A revised proposal has been prepared with a new partner, Development Alternatives (DA).

 Preeti Goel Sanghi

DA, is a non-profit organisation established in 1983 to create large scale sustainable livelihoods is currently working in Karaikal, Pondicherry, where they are implementing their post-Tsunami reconstruction project. DA is reconstructiong 1200 houses in Karaikkal region at three different places (Kottucherri-500, Karaikkalmedu-525 and Kelingalmedu-149). We have addressed with DA issues of responsibilities, plans and budgets for the implementation of the Micro Projects in Karaikal. The implementation plan has just been finalised.

The Micro Projects activities that have been planned for Karaikal region are: eco-sanitation, landscaping and greenery, drainage, accessibility for disabled population, solid waste management and public facilities. All these themes will be accompanied by capacity building activities (training, awareness raising, etc.). In Kanyakumari, the micro project activities will be retrofitting and solid waste management.