Housing in Veerapagupathi

Architecture and Development offers a program of support to reconstruction efforts in the region of Kanyakumari affected by the tsunami to Tamil Nadu, in the south of India.

The project in Veerapagupathi has as objective to demonstrate the importance of a holistic and participatory approach of reconstruction which takes into account not only the house construction but total built environment and includes all elements of sustainable habitat design.

It involves re-hablitation a village community of 80 families on a new site that was already identified and acquired by the community.

This project is being funded by the Foundation of France.

Housing at Veerapagupathi handed over on 27th August 2006

The Pilot Project - comprising of 58 completed houses at Veerapaguapthi was handed over to the beneficiaries on the auspicious day of Ganesh (…)

From Tragedy to Triumph: A Community Initiated Sustainable Habitat Project

In Veerabagupathy, the villagers had acquired a new site (in February 2005) through their own collective initiative to rebuild their houses, (…)

Housing at Veerapagupathi handed over on 27th August 2006

The Pilot Project - comprising of 58 completed houses at Veerapaguapthi was handed over to the beneficiaries on the auspicious day of Ganesh (…)