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Housing in Rajakamangalamthurai
A&D and its partner PRAXIS are involved in rehabilitating 70 affected families that have been neglected by the government authorities in Rajakamangalamthurai village, Kanyakumari District.
Interview of a beneficiary: Muttu
31 January 2007, by Irisha Aroutcheff
In Rajakamangalamthurai the majority of the land where the inhabitants live in the centre of the village belong to the Catholic parish; its occupants cannot thus obtain document of title.
Interview of a beneficiary in Rajakamangalamthurai
15 November 2006, by Irisha Aroutcheff
The beneficiary’s participation to the design of their houses.
Situation of the construction site in Rajakamangalamthurai on November 2nd, 2006
15 November 2006
Situation of the construction site in Rajakamangalamthurai on November 2nd, 2006
Tsunami is gone (?)
24 October 2006, by Marc Pascaris
A&D has undertaken a housing project in the Rajakamangalam Thurai village that was affected by tsunami. A&D has proposed to build 70 houses here.The article describes the situation at Rajakamangalam thurai...that has lead A&D to undertake take this project....the story to begin with
Project Overview and situation till September 2006
19 October 2006, by Preeti Goel Sanghi
A&D and its partner PRAXIS are involved in rehabilitating 70 affected families that have been neglected by the government authorities in Rajakamangalamthurai village, Kanyakumari District.