Energy efficiency and high environmental quality buildings in India.

A&D has been granted by ADEME, in partnership with INDé (Mohan S.) to undertake the promotion of sustainable architectural practices in India.

Outcomes of the study undertaken in 2007.

You will find here the outcomes of the research undertaken by A&D and INDE on current status and issues at stake in regard with the (…)

Case Study IV : Inspiration Office in Cochin, by Jaygopals.

Probably the first and largest of its kind in India, Inspiration’s office complex is built almost entirely with bamboo. It has produced the (…)

Case Study V : Housing Complex in Pune by Gangotree

This housing project finds its great relevance in the fact that it attempts to integrate simple passive design features in the real estate market (…)

Case Study III : TZED homes in Bangalore by BCIL

A project developed by BCIL as a residential project consisting of environmentally sustainable and aesthetic homes for 95 families. It is an (…)

Lessons in Sustainable Hydrology from an Old Indian Empire

Interview with Mr.S.Mohan Rao of Integrated Design, Bangalore by Ms. Kimberly D. Mok of Auroville

Case Study II : The Torrent Research Centre in Ahmedabad, by Abhikram.

The Torrent Research Centre (Gujarat, India) by Abhikram is a complex of research laboratories located on the outskirts of Ahmedabad using passive (…)

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